charge conference update

Just a quick report to you on our Charge Conference that was held Monday, June 17th! We met at 6:00 p,m. with over 25 in attendance to discuss the merger of our Parsonage Fund at the Oklahoma Methodist Foundation with our Managed Fund also held at the foundation. I was approved by Rev. Dr. James Kim, District Superintendent of the Heartland District to preside over the Charge Conference.

A motion was made by Ron Ward, Chair of the Trustees Committee stating the following, “The Trustees Committee of St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church hereby proposes that the account #7157 named Parsonage Fund at the Oklahoma Methodist Foundation be closed and the proceeds of that account be deposited into the Managed Fund account #7159” The rational is that according to the United Methodist Book of Discipline proceeds from the sale of a parsonage can only be used to either purchase a new parsonage or supplement the pastor’s housing allowance. However, St. Stephen’s currently budgets the pastor’s housing allowance so the proceeds are not needed. 

The Trustees and the Administrative Council have made it clear that the desire to purchase a new parsonage is not something the church wants to do. So according to the BOD the proceeds can be reallocated for capital improvements through a local church Charge Conference held with permission of the District Superintendent and the Bishop. A great conversation was held to discuss the issue and the motion before a vote was called. In the end the motion was seconded and passed with a unanimous vote of 26 in favor. 

We will keep you abreast of other changes as they occur, the proceeds of the parsonage fund can now be used to offset capital improvements within the local church. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to talk to Ron Ward or myself. 
