Bridgekids Frequently asked questions

  • BridgeKids Early Foundations provides care for children ages 12 months up to Pre-K eligible 4 year olds. Children are placed in a class based on birthday and age as of September 1st.

    • 1’s class for children age 12-20 months

    • 2’s class for children age 21-30 months

    • 3’s class for children age 31-40 months

    • 4’s class for children age 41 months plus

  • BridgeKids Early Foundations uses a flat monthly tuition rate. Payments are due on the first of the month and can be paid by check, money order, credit/debit card, or through your online account. Late fees will be added if payment is not received by the fifth of each month.

    If arrangements are needed, please contact our directors and they will be happy to assist you.

    DAYS PER WEEK                        MONTHLY TUITION PER CHILD

    1 day per week                           $100 per month

    2 days per week                         $200 per month

    3 days per week                         $300 per month

  • BKEF does have the following registration costs:

    Annual Enrollment Fee:

    • Summer :  $50 due by June 1

    • Fall/Spring:  $150 due by August 1

    (Please submit enrollment fees ASAP to guarantee your child’s spot in the class.)

    Supply Fee:

    • Summer:  $25 due by June 1

    • Fall/Spring:   $75 due by August 1

  • Our hours of operation are Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    With a few exceptions, BridgeKids Early Foundation (BKEF) will follow the Norman Public Schools calendar for scheduled holidays.  Please consult the attached calendar for days when BKEF is not in session. 

    All staff will arrive before the children to prepare for the day.  We ask that you respect that this is a planning time, therefore, children are not to be dropped off before 9:00 am. Similarly, all staff stay after the children leave to prepare for the next day. We ask that you respect this time therefore, children should be picked up by 1 p.m.

    If someone other than a parent is picking up your child, please notify the BKEF Directors in writing or by phone.  No child will be released to a person unknown to us without the permission of the parent.  All new persons picking children up will be required to present identification.  If your family has specific custody arrangements, please notify the BKEF Directors.  A court order will be required for us to prevent one parent from picking a child up.

  • We are so excited to welcome your child to BridgeKids Early Foundations!